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ACE HEALTHCARE is a company that
Develops and Manufactures Medical Devices
in the field of Airway Management & Anesthesia.
0 +

Years Experience



Our Product

AceHealthCare always strive for
development of medical care


The AHC-4000 is Respiratory Humidifier for temperature and humidity
treatment in medical settings

Mega Acer KIT

The Mega Acer Kit provides heated and humidified anesthetic gases by making fluid warm

Auto Flow

Infusion set for precise flow control of I.V fluid

Auto Clamp

Automatic medication infuser with
great accuracy at set flow rate


Continuous R&D, Pioneer of medical device field

  • 30+ years in business

    ACE HEALTHCARE is newly-established on 1st Apr. 2022 to take another big leap to be a global medical company in the field of Airway Management & Anesthesia by separating these core business fields from ACE MEDICAL, that has been leading advancement of Korean Medical Industry for last 30 years.

  • Global market leader

    we will make utmost effort to maximize the value of medical device manufacturing industry, trying to be a global market leader.

0 +

Years experience





0 +

Global Network

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Frequently Asked Question

Ace Healthcare is a company that develops and manufactures medical devices in airway management and anesthesia with more than 30 years of experience.

We would like to separate the main products of Ace Medical with 30 years of experience and launch Ace Healthcare to practice selection and concentration. Following this decision, we will constantly make efforts and take the lead in becoming a future leading global company.

Please contact us at mkt@acehealthcare.co.kr

or +82 2 920 0001


How to find us

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